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FENERCİOĞLU Enters the Housing Market in Spain

By 20 October 2023No Comments


Fenercioğlu A.Ş., a company established in the Alanya region and rapidly signed many projects in a short period, is currently continuing its projects at 20 construction sites in Antalya, Bodrum, Alanya, and Cyprus. Another area of growth for the company is Spain. Aycan Fenercioğlu, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fenercioğlu A.Ş., who said, “We are currently working with approximately 100 engineers. We have 20 ongoing projects at the moment, and we aim to reach 30 construction sites,” explained that they are currently in the planning phase of these projects, and these numbers may increase slightly by the end of the year. He also said that they have a project in the newly opened Altıntaş region in Antalya and that they aim to start construction rapidly.

Fenercioğlu emphasized that there is a significant foreign demand for Antalya, especially after the Russia-Ukraine war, not only from Russia and Ukraine but also from many countries due to the uncertainties in regions such as Kazakhstan and Afghanistan. He said that there has already been a high demand for tourists in the Antalya region. According to recent statistics, approximately 111 nationalities have purchased property in the Antalya region. He said, “We have established our headquarters in Alanya and Antalya, but in the long term, we aim to be a well-known company throughout Turkey by expanding our business volume here. Currently, we have the capacity to establish 30 construction sites simultaneously,” said Fenercioğlu, adding that their short-term goal is to be able to operate 50 construction sites in different parts of the world at the same time. Fenercioğlu said, “Our goals are mainly in several regions, including Istanbul.” Fenercioğlu stated that they have started new projects in Antalya, Bodrum, Cyprus, and Spain and said, “At the moment, we are aiming for around 3,000 apartments in the short term.”

Investing in Spain’s coastlines

Aycan Fenercioğlu, who also spoke about his foreign goals, said, “After starting investments in Northern Cyprus, we have now started investments in coastal areas in the southern parts of Spain. We aim to build in locations that are popular among tourists, starting from Spain in that region.” Fenercioğlu explained that they generally aim for foreign sales in their projects, saying, “Around 90% of our projects are bought by foreign customers.”

Preparing for an urban transformation fund

Aycan Fenercioğlu, who suggested an urban transformation fund to accelerate urban transformation, said, “There has been no urban transformation fund established in Turkey to date. We have also started working on this, but we are still in the preparation stage. There is no example of this issue in the world either. However, urban transformation is currently a hot topic in Turkey. With the urban transformation fund, we will be able to bring property owners and investors together on a common ground.”