What is Urban Transformation?

According to Law No. 6303 on Renewal of Buildings with Disaster Risk, Urban Transformation is to determine the areas with disaster risk in the city and make them healthy and livable. Law proposes reconstruction of the buildings economic life of which have ended and at the risk of collapse in the cities and villages of all over Türkiye, using construction loan, housing benefit provided by the government and municipal fee and tax advantages. Shortly, with urban transformation, it is aimed to reconstruct the buildings with economic life ended and no earthquake resistance and thus, prevent illegal housing and reduce the damages to occur as a result of potential natural disasters to minimum.   

Risky Building Process, Risk Assessment by Citizens

Citizens may have their buildings assessed by the relevant Ministry, municipalities, metropolitan municipalities or the authorities and institutions to be licensed by the Ministry. No majority is required at this stage. This assessment can be made with an application of one of the property owners or his/her legal representative.  Photocopies of property deed and identity card are necessary for application. Risky buildings are determined according to the provisions of the Regulation on Buildings to be Constructed in Earthquake Zones published in the Official Gazette dated 6/3/2007 and number 26454.   

Buildings Assessed as Risky:

As a result of such assessments, the buildings that are found to be risky are reported to the Provincial Directorate of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization by those who make the assessment. Provincial Directorates of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization examines the reports and in case of missing or faulty points in the reports, they are returned to the relevant persons and other reports are communicated to the relevant directorate of land registry.

Sending Notifications to Property Owners

For the declarations required by the relevant directorate of land registry for land register; objection may be filed with a petition to the Directorate which is located in the region where the risky building is situated within fifteen days as from the notification date against risky building assessment or the fact that such risky building must be demolished by the relevant administration within the period specified not less than sixty days  as from the notification date is communicated to the real and personal right owners and this notification is also reported to the Directorate.

Ministerial Decision for Demolition:

In case the risky building is not demolished despite the ministerial decision, this will be reported in written to the Administration. If the building is still not demolished despite such report, it is demolished or caused to be demolished by the Ministry.

Process after Demolition

Meeting is held with the property owners. In the event that no unanimous consent is reached by all property owners at this meeting regarding the steps to be taken; firstly, risky building is caused to be appraised by the licensed valuation institutions acting as being registered in the Capital Market Board and an agreement is tried to be reached based on this valuation but again if no agreement is reached, a decision will be made on the process to be followed with the majority of at least two third of the apartment owners at the rate of their shares . This decision is written to the minutes and signed by all present apartment owners.

Decision made with a majority of at least two third of the apartment owners are notified via notary to those who have not accepted the decision and those who have not participated in the meeting for apartment owners board. In this notification, it is communicated that if said decision is not accepted within fifteen days, land shares of independent sections will be sold by auction to other apartment owners with whom agreement is made at the value not less than the fair market value to be determined by the Ministry and these shares will be registered before land registry office by direct registration method on behalf of the Ministry of Treasury provided that the current value is paid by the relevant Ministry.


Assessment Report for Risky Building


Owner’s Application Petition

(Block No- Parcel No, address of the building, name and surname of the owner, date and signature)
If the applicant is representative of the owner: Photocopy of the representative’s id card and power of attorney declared to have been given within the scope of law number 6306)

Photocopy of Property Deed

If Block No- Parcel No, names and surnames are consistent with each other and owners are written on the back page, photocopy of the back page

Copy of Current Land Register

If Block No- Parcel No, names and surnames are consistent with each other and there is no annotation stating that the apartment belongs to another person and a license issued within recent 7 ( seven) days is available, real estate statement or land register indicating all owners

Photocopy of Identity Card

If the owner is 65 yrs old or over, health report obtained from a health institution and proving that the relevant owner is mentally healthy.

Property Declaration

Building property declaration being consistent with name-surname, address and block-parcel numbers

Application Chart

Application chart indicating corner coordinates, block-parcel numbers of the apartment and Land, name and surname of the owner with all pages with wet signatures (likhap)

Numbering Document

To be consistent with block-parcel numbers, name-surname and address information and if any, with previous address


Consistent with address
Yapı Betonarme ise

Ground Study Report

(Ground study report approved by the relevant Provincial Directorate with all pages with wet signature and indicating the surname and the photographs of the building (likhap)
(Chamber registration of geology-geophysics engineers who have signed the Ground Study report and the document indicating minimum 5-year experience of these engineers)

Laboratory Results

Results indicating drilling core, test hammer and measurements have been completed

Architectural Building Survey

A survey in which height of the walls and floors are indicated

Architectural Building Survey

A survey indicating that drilling core, test hammer and measurement points are marked

If licensed, project approved by the relevant municipality


If licensed but no project is available, a letter obtained by the relevant municipality


If the building is masonry, architectural building survey


Mud, wood building form

If the building is made of mud or wood, all pages of this form will be sealed and signed.

Site survey report

2 pcs.

Fenercioğlu AŞ. Yapı Denetim